Thursday, April 19, 2012

MIDA’S Wife: A grieving heart

I longed for his touch,
But he stared at me with longing eyes,
I could not take one step closer for I will cease to exist,
What is this curse that had fallen to two yearning heart destined to love for all their breathing moment when the heavens have blessed them?
I remember when he took my hand for the first time he twirled me in circles, like flamingos dancing on a flower bed lake.
The stars swayed the moon sang in sweet lovely tune and the wind built an invisible fortress around our fragile youth,
Should a story that began in glittering color end in such a tragedy of selfish desires,
I have in every way questioned his heart “My dear Midas why have you yearned for the world’s wealth with the touch of your fingers when I am standing right beside you, have you not won a thousand battle, sailed a thousand seas and in your prime age should we not just watch our offspring's decedents play and run in the humble garden as they make sand castle in a box, how could you live when I am an inch away from you but I could not feel the warmth of your touch”
“Oh Midas I suffer from this useless ambition, I suffer from the lost of your presence, for this is the same as death, your wishes has become your lovers curse.”
So with trembling hands Mida’s wife caressed the face of Midas, stroked the hair of her husband while her finger nails slowly turns into cold hard precious metal, tears ran down from her face, with her eyes deeply grieving, her soft skin glowed in the dark, she stood frozen in the middle of the throne room, she’d rather touch him one last time and turned into a statue where he could gaze at her loving face than spend their dying age having the universe between them, and eventually turn into dust.