Friday, June 3, 2011

Wish Upon a Star

One day I may breath my last, 
 I may pass you by without meeting you in the eye
But did you feel the skip of my heartbeat a mile away
Like the wind I touched your face,
There’s no words to describe the beauty I found in your soul
You may uniquely define the word innocence,
 For you willingly raged the gates of heaven with your resounding voice,
In my bedroom I cried and wailed for life to spare you a corrupted mind,
I willingly surrendered my dreams to see yours in fulfilment
An angel forbidden to love, an ordinary girl with an extra ordinary faith
A love I could not grasp, a love I could not keep, a language left unspoken
And yet it screams and echoes throughout the universe,
 I give you my strength in times of confusion; you are never alone in times of defeat
I maybe beyond your years but your youth is the sole reason I live
Be the man I dream you to be, the person you have always been
Never waste a single moment on superficial joy, for life has given you all the possibilities
Embrace every pain it will mould you to a better person,
 Love with no malice, make worthy sacrifices
For you  I have taken the next shuttle to the moon
Only to wish upon a star....