Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Stranger Dance with Me

Underneath the cherry blossom tree
I stood in front of you as stars crowns my head,
Your nearness fills my sanity, floating like a feathery snow in a lazy winter day,
As my cheeks gently touch your humble manly chin, I breathe and inhaled gently savouring every moment,
Forever those sweet mesmerizing eyes will linger in my fleeting memory,
Can you hear the beating of my heart like a drum that chants a tribal hymn,
Where warriors endlessly draw their swords and send their enemies to their death,
For the fear of uncertainty lurks beneath this angelic smile,
Yet for one moment I will hear no evil, as your arms embrace this bashful heart of mine,
Our fingers entwined and our souls journey a million mile,
I shall bear your fruit, and it may drain my vigorous dignity,
Yet it will be the mere root of my existence, the only thing I shall breathe for
Truly I am a wary woman, and I have broken the walls that chains my ominous heart for a faceless man,
For a single second of warmth as I sway in the midst of this wanderer,
Screaming in ecstasy, as the scent of his hair drowns me in pure bliss.
In his arms I shall play the game of chance,
And I shall master the dreadful bout of love,
Hear my plea, cease my woes,
Dear courtly stranger dance with me and I shall spend an indelible lifetime knowing you!